Divorce is a traumatic experience for all involved. It is a private and personal affair, and at the same time an event that has significant public and legal ramifications. When a Jewish couple marries, they participate in both a religious and a civil ceremony, marking both a change in their legal status and recognition of the spiritual dimension of the bond between husband and wife. When the marriage bond is broken, it is important that both of these aspects of marriage are taken into consideration. Together with many the arrangements you will be making at the time of your divorce, it is important that you make sure that you have taken all the necessary steps to terminate your marriage under Jewish law. This will help avoid complications for yourself - if you wish to remarry in the future - and for any children you may have in the future. Just as a beautiful huppah (wedding ceremony) adds an important spiritual dimension to marriage, people going through divorce find that the ritual of Jewish divorce gives a proper sense of closure to their marriage, and allows them to move on with their lives. You may approach us at any time to discuss the requirements of Jewish Divorce to make sure that everything is done properly and will proceed smoothly. We advise you to contact us as soon as possible to avoid needless complications. We are able to arrange a GET any time after civil divorce proceedings have commenced.
Who should consider a Masorti divorce?
The politics of the Jewish world have greater consequences in the realm of Divorce than in any other area of Jewish law. We advise those who intend to marry under Orthodox auspices, or in the future may have children who will marry under Orthodox auspices, to seek an Orthodox divorce. Our proceedings are appropriate for those who have previously used our services, for a marriage or conversion, or who intend to remarry in a Masorti synagogue.
What should I expect?
The basic ritual of Jewish divorce involves a wife receiving the formal document of divorce, known as a GET, from her husband. The GET is written in a precise manner by a specially trained scribe. The essence of the GET is the statement that the wife is ‘free to marry any man she chooses’.
To be valid the GET needs to be perfect in every way, without mistakes or corrections. There is also a precise ritual for the delivery of a GET. For this reason, the GET is written by a specially trained scribe, and the delivery of a GET takes place in the presence of a specially trained Bet Din.
Typically, arranging a GET through our Bet Din requires two meetings. In the first meeting the husband meets with the Bet Din or its representatives to discuss the divorce. At this time he will be asked to sign documents appointing our scribe as his agent to write the ‘get’ on his behalf. The Bet Din will also speak with the wife to make sure that she is aware that Jewish divorce proceedings have commenced and that she gives her consent. Consent of both parties is an absolute requirement of Jewish Divorce law. The couple will be asked to provide the Bet Din with details of their Hebrew and English names, details of their original wedding and of their civil divorce proceedings. These details are then sent to our scribe, and the GET is prepared and written. If available, the couple’s Ketuba is returned to the Bet Din at the time of the delivery of the GET.
In the second meeting the wife receives her GET. The husband may deliver the GET in person, or appoint an agent to deliver the GET on his behalf. There is a special ritual for the delivery of the GET. After the ceremony the GET is returned to the Bet Din for safekeeping and a certificate of divorce is issued to the couple.
In cases where there are special concerns or complications, you are advised to discuss your circumstances with us. We will do whatever is possible within the boundaries of Jewish law to help make the delivery of a GET possible.
We understand that a divorce is a particularly difficult time in your life. We aim to support you wherever possible. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you to the Bet Din if this will make you feel more at ease.
The cost of preparing and delivering a GET is £500. The couple will need to decide how they will share this cost. The bulk of this cost is for the scribe to prepare the GET.
First steps
If you are interested in learning more about Divorce under the auspices of the European Masorti Bet Din, you should in the first instance speak to your local Masorti Rabbi or contact the Bet Din directly. For contact details, click here. To submit an information form, go to the LINKS page in the user area of this site.
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Divorce is a traumatic experience for all involved. It is a private and personal affair, and at the same time an event that has significant public and legal ramifications. When a Jewish couple marries, they participate in both a religious and a civil ceremony, marking both a change in their legal status and recognition of the spiritual dimension of the bond between husband and wife. When the marriage bond is broken, it is important that both of these aspects of marriage are taken into consideration. Together with many the arrangements you will be making at the time of your divorce, it is important that you make sure that you have taken all the necessary steps to terminate your marriage under Jewish law. This will help avoid complications for yourself - if you wish to remarry in the future - and for any children you may have in the future. Just as a beautiful huppah (wedding ceremony) adds an important spiritual dimension to marriage, people going through divorce find that the ritual of Jewish divorce gives a proper sense of closure to their marriage, and allows them to move on with their lives. You may approach us at any time to discuss the requirements of Jewish Divorce to make sure that everything is done properly and will proceed smoothly. We advise you to contact us as soon as possible to avoid needless complications. We are able to arrange a GET any time after civil divorce proceedings have commenced.
Who should consider a Masorti divorce?
The politics of the Jewish world have greater consequences in the realm of Divorce than in any other area of Jewish law. We advise those who intend to marry under Orthodox auspices, or in the future may have children who will marry under Orthodox auspices, to seek an Orthodox divorce. Our proceedings are appropriate for those who have previously used our services, for a marriage or conversion, or who intend to remarry in a Masorti synagogue.
What should I expect?
The basic ritual of Jewish divorce involves a wife receiving the formal document of divorce, known as a GET, from her husband. The GET is written in a precise manner by a specially trained scribe. The essence of the GET is the statement that the wife is ‘free to marry any man she chooses’.
To be valid the GET needs to be perfect in every way, without mistakes or corrections. There is also a precise ritual for the delivery of a GET. For this reason, the GET is written by a specially trained scribe, and the delivery of a GET takes place in the presence of a specially trained Bet Din.
Typically, arranging a GET through our Bet Din requires two meetings. In the first meeting the husband meets with the Bet Din or its representatives to discuss the divorce. At this time he will be asked to sign documents appointing our scribe as his agent to write the ‘get’ on his behalf. The Bet Din will also speak with the wife to make sure that she is aware that Jewish divorce proceedings have commenced and that she gives her consent. Consent of both parties is an absolute requirement of Jewish Divorce law. The couple will be asked to provide the Bet Din with details of their Hebrew and English names, details of their original wedding and of their civil divorce proceedings. These details are then sent to our scribe, and the GET is prepared and written. If available, the couple’s Ketuba is returned to the Bet Din at the time of the delivery of the GET.
In the second meeting the wife receives her GET. The husband may deliver the GET in person, or appoint an agent to deliver the GET on his behalf. There is a special ritual for the delivery of the GET. After the ceremony the GET is returned to the Bet Din for safekeeping and a certificate of divorce is issued to the couple.
In cases where there are special concerns or complications, you are advised to discuss your circumstances with us. We will do whatever is possible within the boundaries of Jewish law to help make the delivery of a GET possible.
We understand that a divorce is a particularly difficult time in your life. We aim to support you wherever possible. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you to the Bet Din if this will make you feel more at ease.
The cost of preparing and delivering a GET is £500. The couple will need to decide how they will share this cost. The bulk of this cost is for the scribe to prepare the GET.
First steps
If you are interested in learning more about Divorce under the auspices of the European Masorti Bet Din, you should in the first instance speak to your local Masorti Rabbi or contact the Bet Din directly. For contact details, click here. To submit an information form, go to the LINKS page in the user area of this site.
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